outmac.com - Home of the Call of Duty 1 & 2 Excessive Mod - http://outmac.com
fragarcade.com - Covers FPS games and competitions, with tutorials and interviews. Also features some ladder style competitions. - http://www.fragarcade.com/
Ubertastic, its fantastic! - Offers maps, modifications, and news for Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, FarCry, and Half-Life 2. - http://www.ubertastic.com
ESReality.com - This site covers news for all professional esports games. - http://www.esreality.com
Quake 4 Realm - This site covers all the news and releases for Quake and Doom series games. There are tips and tutorials for Quake 4. - http://www.quake4realm.com
DigitalGrenade - Covers multiplayer combat PC games. - http://www.digitalgrenade.com/
TeamCTF - News, reviews, and screen shots from team-based shooter games. - http://www.teamctf.com/
Game is Good - News, custom configurations, scripts, maps, models, cheats and hints, and discussion forums. - http://gameisgood.com/
Ten Four - Reviews for maps of various shooter games including the Quake Series and Half-Life. - http://tenfourmaps.telefragged.com/
SpecForce - Forum, files, screenshots, reviews, links, and articles about infantry tactical shooters. - http://www.specforce.net/LoRes.htm
Ultimate Gamer - Includes game information, a forum, downloads, cheats, and walkthroughs. - http://www.ultimate-gamer.com
First Person Shoot Out - Three way comparison of console versions of Quake 3: Arena, Unreal Tournament, and Half-Life. - http://www.myvideostore.com/content/games/features/fps/fps.html?client=myvideostore
Quake III Arena vs. Unreal Tournament - Contains a comparison of multiplayer Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament. - http://www.gamecritics.com/feature/report/q3avsut/page01.php
Absolute Gamer's Files Archive - Reviews and files including extra maps, skins, total conversions, updates, and demos for multiple shooter games. - http://files.gameaholic.com/
CultGaming.co.uk - News, reviews, forums, and guides. - http://www.cultgaming.co.uk/modules/news/
Barry's Rigs 'N Reviews - Contains reviews for both games and gaming hardware. - http://www.barrys-rigs-n-reviews.com/
Gameaholic - News, server information, and add-ons. - http://www.gameaholic.com/
3D-Shooters.Com - News, forums, downloads, and cheats for a variety of first person shooters. - http://www.3d-shooters.com/