OS4 Depot - CWMMoria - Changelog and executable for Amiga OS4. - http://www.os4depot.net/?function=showfile&file=game/roleplaying/cwmmoria.lha
Pmoria - New character races and classes, spells, items, and commands. Changelog, source files, and DOS executable. - http://roguelikes.sauceforge.net/pub/pmoria/
Google Groups - rec.games.moria - Threaded archive of Usenet posts. (Discontinued September 1994) - http://groups.google.com/groups?group=rec.games.moria&start=13
Tolkien Computer Games - Morgul - Alters final objective and tweaks gameplay. Synopsis and link to MS-DOS executable. - http://www.lysator.liu.se/tolkien-games/entry/morgul.html
The Dungeons of Moria - Feature list and development history. Links to firsthand account of original VMS releases. - http://www.hut.fi/~eye/roguelike/moria.html
Umoria - Site of official maintainer. FAQ, contact email, and links to source and executable files for several platforms. - http://www.remarque.org/~grabiner/moria.html
kMoria - Palm OS port of Umoria. Changelog, tips, source and executable files, and build instructions. - http://roguelike-palm.sourceforge.net/kMoria/
Moria - Guides, spoilers, monster search, and character dumps. Links to source and executable files for several platforms. - http://www.piratehaven.org/~beej/moria/