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  Asheron's Call (50)

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Featured Websites in this category
Featured Site Asheron's Call Open in a new browser windowLink Details
- [Official] Turbine Games' Asheron's Call: Dark Majesty website. Features news, monthly events, patch updates, bug report, and the developers' Q&A.
- http://ac.turbine.com/

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Regular Websites in this category

Q's Guide to being a Mage Open in a new windowLink Details
- Extensive information about the many facets of playing a mage, including character creation, schools and skills, and possible templates.
- http://www.gamejag.net/ac/mageguide.htm

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Memorial for Holly Open in a new windowLink Details
- Flash Memorial for Holly, an Asheron's Call player who died of Leukemia.
- http://rongeorge.com/holly/

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Dizzarian's Diary of Dereth Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information for mages, including level 7 spells, starter guides, templates, and journals.
- http://dizzarian.com/acmages/

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Crossroads of Dereth Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features forum, detailed information on items and creatures, hints, and Quest walkthroughs.
- http://ac.warcry.com/

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Asheron's Call Photoalbum Open in a new windowLink Details
- Photo album with real-life pictures of Asheron's Call 1 players from all servers.
- http://photoalbum.ranta.info/

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Jean Ranta's AC Webpage Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tips and tricks to archery in AC, quest help, archer templates, and links to other archery resources.
- http://ac.ranta.info/

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Maggie the Jackcat Open in a new windowLink Details
- Quests, creatures, spells, unique items, craftables, lore, and trade skills.
- http://www.thejackcat.com/AC/

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Dark Bolt's Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes screenshots and quests of the character on the Solclaim server.
- http://c.gettings.users.btopenworld.com/

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AsheronsGuide.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Beginners' guides, many different character templates, quest guides, and forums.
- http://www.asheronsguide.com/

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Asheron's Compendium Open in a new windowLink Details
- News, atlas, spell database. Home of the AC Location Tracker tool.
- http://clarkzoo.org/asheronscall/

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Asheron's Call Lore Open in a new windowLink Details
- News, geography, guides, spells, quests, creatures, and forums.
- http://www.asheronslore.com/

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AC Vault Open in a new windowLink Details
- Up-to-date news, stories, artwork, articles, beginners' guides, lore, items, professions, and message boards. The Server Boards here are the most popular online trading arena.
- http://acvault.ign.com/

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