RPGDot preview - "Do you enjoy creating a character where you have complete control over how he or she looks? How about a system for shaping the character’s face that is as good as if not better than ‘The Sims 2’?" - http://www.rpgdot.com/index.php?hsaction=10053&ID=1115
GameShark Preview - "It's amazing what a small team of indie developers can create when they set their minds to it." - http://www.gameshark.com/?a=previews&id=3099&c=pc
Dubious Quality: Mount & Blade - "Combat on horseback is absolutely unforgettable, and since the primary camera is slightly behind and above your character, you get to see it all." - http://dubiousquality.blogspot.com/2005/05/mount-blade.html
Cosmos Gaming preview - "Mount and Blade is a fun little RPG combining the beauty of Morrowind and the realism of...reality." - http://www.cosmosgaming.com/articles.php?id=21&articletype=preview