1UP - Preview, by James Mielke: "As can readily be seen from the visual sophistication, (eM)-eNCHANT-arM is an exceptionally detailed game, with CG render-quality character models and monsters." - http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3143759&did=1
GameSpot - Previews, news, movies, screenshots, and links. - http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/rpg/emenchantarm/
FilePlanet - Offers trailers and movies. - http://www.fileplanet.com/101978/0/section/[eM]--eNCHANT-arM--
GameSpy: [eM] -eNCHANT arM- - Includes information and screenshots. - http://xbox.gamespy.com/xbox-360/em-enchant-arm-/
IGN: [eM] -eNCHANT arM- - Offers screenshots, videos, news, and a message board. - http://xbox360.ign.com/objects/747/747936.html