Diablo II Quest Guide - A detailed quest walkthrough. - http://www.nabou.com/diablo_2/walkthrough.html
Gamespy: Diablo II LoD Cheats - Offers some tips and Horadric Cube recipes. - http://cheats.gamespy.com/pc-cheats/diablo-ii-lord-of-destruction/
GameFAQs: Diablo II - A large selection of walkthroughs and character guides. - http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/197113.html
Game Revolution - Tips and hints. - http://www.gamerevolution.com/oldsite/games/codes/pc/diablo2.htm
Diablo II Tomb of Knowledge - Horadric cube recipes, gems, skills, items, and quest walkthroughs. - http://www.d2tomb.com/
Diablo II ProTip Guide - Tips including how to use the Horadric Cube, questing tactics, and gameplay advice. - http://www.gamepro.com/computer/pc/games/strategies/6335.shtml
Level 80 - Various cheats and hints for this PC game. - http://www.level80.co.uk/pcdiablo2.htm
UHS Diablo II Hints - Shows hints gradually so you can finish the game on your own. - http://www.uhs-hints.com/uhsweb/diablo2.php
GameSpot - Guides for character classes, and walkthrough. - http://gamespot.com/gamespot/guides/pc/diablo2/
NeoSeeker: Diablo II - Walkthroughs, reviews, and message board. - http://www.neoseeker.com/Games/Products/PC/Diablo2/