Jarulfs Guide to Diablo and Hellfire
- Official download site for the most comprehensive guide to Diablo and Hellfire.
- http://lurkerlounge.com/jarulf/
GameFAQs: Diablo - Collection of walkthroughs and FAQs, message board, and user submitted reviews. - http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/game/197112.html
GameWinners.com: Diablo - Game exploits and hints. - http://www.gamewinners.com/DOSWIN/bldiablo.htm
Level 80 - PC: Diablo - Contains hints and tips for quests. - http://www.level80.co.uk/pcdiablo.htm
NeoSeeker: Diablo - Walkthroughs, reviews, and message board. - http://www.neoseeker.com/Games/Products/PC/Diablo/
Lochnars Freshman Diablo - A collection of Diablo guides covering Battle.net and strategies for the character classes. - http://www.arewehavingfunyet.com/diablo/diablo.shtml
UHSWeb - Hints and tips. - http://www.uhs-hints.com/uhsweb/diablo.phtml