David Lawrence Memory Game - Match photos of male faces in the least amount of tries possible. Offers three difficulty levels. Requires JavaScript. - http://www.davidlawrence.biz/memory/
Qubory - Variant of the classical memory game using a rotating cube. [Requires Flash] - http://www.qubory.com
Auditory Memory - Variant of the memory game using sounds instead of pictures. - http://www.stack.nl/~cstoel/am/am.php
KISS Concentration Game - Memory game based on photos of the band Kiss. [Requires Shockwave] - http://www.kissdominion.com/shokwave.htm
Simon Advanced - Flash version of classic game featuring five skill levels, high score list, guestbook, news, and downloadable version. - http://www.powzone.com/games/simonadv/
Re-member - Online memory game featuring multiple levels with increasing difficulty, plus a high score list. - http://www.re-member.de/