IGN GBA - Preview, by Craig Harris: "Just like Spyro on the GBA, Rayman: Hoodlum's Revenge is just as solid a presentation." - http://gameboy.ign.com/articles/587/587811p1.html
Nintendo Insanity - Review, by Kirby: "Nothing truly stands out, but there aren’t any aspects that really bring down the playing experience, either." [Score: 7.8 out of 10] - http://www.n-insanity.com/modules.php?module=reviews&id=189
GamePro - Review, by GameGirl: "...the core simplicity of the gameplay may not tempt many players to romp again where they have romped before." [Score: 3 out of 5] - http://www.gamepro.com/nintendo/gameboy_advance/games/reviews/43348.shtml
GameFAQs - Data, reviews, and a message board. - http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbadvance/data/926294.html
GameSpy GBA - Review, by Benjamin Turner: "It's as dull a foray into platforming as you'll find on your local store's shelves, and another unfortunate example of this license being diluted." [Score: 2 out of 5] - http://gba.gamespy.com/gameboy-advance/rayman-hoodlums-revenge/599738p1.html