Tim's Sega System Tech Site - Offers information for diagnosing and repairing several Sega systems, such as pin-outs, voltage and polarity, making an RGB monitor, and cleaning cartridges. - http://www.mrvfone.com.au/sega/
The Rockin'-B - Homebrew development for SEGA Saturn and VMU. Includes games, demos, emulators for gamers and libs, sourcecode, and tools for developers. - http://www.rockin-b.de/
SegaFans - Coverage for Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, and Genesis. Includes reviews, screen shots, movies, and where to purchase games. - http://www.classicgaming.com/saturn/
Act Select - Sega Sonic's fansite (written in Japanese and English). Sega's replica fonts (60 kinds), Sonic's history, Goods collection's photo, and Short Flash animation. - http://www.clavis.ne.jp/~sonic/segasonic/
Gamegear.nl - Contains hardware and software information of Game Gear, trading, images and some links. Also has collection listings of other Sega systems. - http://www.gamegear.nl/
Sega Europe - Official site with news, game information, and console information. - http://www.sega-europe.com/
Sega.com - The official Sega website. - http://www.sega.com
Sega Forever - Contains reviews, downloads and guides. - http://www.emulationzone.org/sections/segaforever/