Whip Ass Gaming - Information about installing and playing the game on Mac. - http://www.whipassgaming.com/macgamesroot/darkseed.html
Darkseed - Techtite review - Lukewarm review rating the game as only "mildly-acceptable". - http://www.techtite.com/Reviews/Archpc/Darkseed.html
Darkseed - MobyGames - Game data from Mobygames. - http://www.mobygames.com/game/sheet/gameId=302/
Darkseed - Adventure Collective Review - "The beautiful artwork of Giger and a decent story premise make up for a respectful adventure game marred by major flaws in animation and puzzle design." By Phillip Jong. - http://www.adventurecollective.com/reviews/darkseed.htm