1UP - News, previews, videos, and screenshots. - http://www.1up.com/do/gameOverview?cId=3143795
Eurogamer - Preview, by Rob Fahey: "The game suffers from a multitude of graphics glitches and other such problems, and the admittedly impressive visuals have a particularly rough and ready feel in places..." - http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=67883
GameSpot - News, previews, images, videos, links, and a forum. - http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/lair/
GameStats - Videos, screenshots, and article links. - http://www.gamestats.com/objects/761/761161/
GameSpy: Lair - Preview, movie, and screenshots. - http://ps3.gamespy.com/playstation-3/lair/
IGN: Lair - Screenshots, videos, previews, news, and a message board. - http://ps3.ign.com/objects/761/761161.html