Game Industry News - Reviewed by John Breeden, score: 4 out of 5. -
GameSpot - "People without a passion for shooting fake guns at their television sets probably won't find much to like." Review by Ryan Davis with overall score [5.7] and screen shots. -
The Electric Playground - "It's very possible to play Endgame with the PS2 controller, aiming with the left thumbstick, but trust me when I say that you only want to get this game if you've got a light gun." Review by Bonnie with screen shots and score [6/10]. - - "While not as deep or fine-tuned as it could have been, Endgame is quite fun in a low-budget action movie kind of way." Review by Pong Sifu with scores and screen shots. - - "Honestly, there is nothing here that you couldn't find in Time Crisis 2, or for that matter, Time Crisis Project Titan on PS one, only in those games, you'll actually have a good time." Review by Douglass C. Perry with overall score [3.5] and - - "Fans of light-gunners won't find all the bells and whistles in Time Crisis 2, but they will find a game that is thankfully much longer than TC2 with just as much action." Review by Tim Surette with overall score [5.0] and screen shots. -
PlanetPS2 - "This game is not as innovative as I'd hoped, but it's so close to a game I already liked that it's not too important." Review by Kevin Rice with score [80] and screen shots. -