Planet GameCube - Preview by Jonathan Metts. "Many people consider Too Human to be a major landmark in Nintendo's expansion into the older age demographic." -
NGenres - Review by Ryan Eid. "It has the makeup to be a true classic in the first generation of GameCube software, with an interesting storyline, tons of customization, and a dark, psychological undertone." Includes screenshots. -
IGN Playstation - "Too Human looks to be the first massive adventure game on the PlayStation that blends in Blade Runner themes and stylistic sensibilities with a storyline that rivals Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy VII. Wow, that's a whole lot to believe and to h -
N-Insanity - "For a game that began it’s creation in the early 90’s, it is well passed time for it to hit the shelves. However, with about 10 years of development under its belt, there is no question as to the quality of this game." -
N-Sider - "Let’s face it. We know it’ll be good. Too Human is like nothing we’ve ever seen before. It’s just a matter of waiting for it. If anything, the game is taking too long." -
IGN GameCube - "Things are shaping up very well for Too Human. IGNcube is extremely excited to see this title in action. If it delivers on its promises, it could attracts fans of games like Metal Gear to the console." -