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Total Videogames Open in a new windowLink Details
- "If trudging your way through uninspired level after level, button bashing through a bunch of mindless drones to finish up with some of the most unimaginative bosses in videogames history is your idea of fun then go for it." Article by Chris Le
- http://www.totalvideogames.com/articles/Eve_of_Extinction_Review_539_234_0_0_10_0.htm

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GameZone Open in a new windowLink Details
- Reviewed by Nick Valentino, [6.7/10]. "The enemy AI is so poor that fighting becomes repetitive ... and boring."
- http://ps2.gamezone.com/gzreviews/r18933.htm

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Maxim Online Open in a new windowLink Details
- "Like most outings with the little lady, this one gets tired, but ample eye candy--and violence--ensure that Eve is one traditional kiss good night that occasionally slips you the tongue." Reviewed by Scott Steinberg with score [3/5].
- http://www.maximonline.com/entertainment/reviews.aspx?p_id=2773

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Game Spy Open in a new windowLink Details
- "This is a pretty fun game that has a lot of good ideas and, unfortunately, doesn't take them as far as it should have. Hopefully other developers out there will take note of this game and create an even more ambitious beat 'em up." Review by A
- http://archive.gamespy.com/reviews/march02/eoeps2/

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GameSpot Open in a new windowLink Details
- "With its main story mode clocking in at around five hours, there's little long-term replay value." Review by Ryan Davis with screen shots and overall score [6.5/10].
- http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/eveofextinction/

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Gaming Age Open in a new windowLink Details
- "There is nothing about the game's style that particularly stands out; it has a decidedly generic feel." Review by Patrick Klepek with score [C-].
- http://www.gaming-age.com/cgi-bin/reviews/review.pl?sys=ps2&game=eoe

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Planet PS2 Open in a new windowLink Details
- "Poor sound effects, sometimes misused, uninteresting music, bad voice acting, merely decent graphics, the same enemies over and over again, only seven and a half hours of gameplay, and the game still manages to be fun." Reviewed by Andrei Alup
- http://www.planetps2.com/features/reviews/2002/eveofextinction/

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