Abrigon - Discussion list for an iron age setting in which supertechnology simulates the effects of magic. - http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/abrigon-world/
Raieh Fractal Planet - Listings for geography, history, art, languages, and culture from various contributors. The site also hosts a fractal world generator, used in this setting's design. - http://raieh.homelinux.net
Orion's Arm - A collaborative science fiction multi-race universe. Site contains numerous scientific, cultural, historical, and atlas entries as well as a beginner's guide, mailing list, FAQs, and community news. - http://www.orionsarm.com/
Dragons Breath, World of - A collaborative fantasy writing project. Features a library, character profiles, galleries, online comic, map, forum, and chat room. - http://www.worldofdragonsbreath.com/
Pisces - Site and message board for a collaborative world building project. - http://juergen.the-huberts.net/pisces/index.html
The Santharian Dream - The Legacy to Tolkien's Fantasy - Always wanted to develop a complete fantasy world in the style of J.R.R. Tolkien? Santharian excerpts, poems, maps - you're welcome in our realm! - http://www.santharia.com/
Fargoth World Building Project - Features some nice maps, graphics and political information with original races, monsters, and flora and fauna. A generic gaming world for all systems. A mailing list is available for would-be collaborators. - http://www.fargoth.com/