Logos Resource: D&D Overview - A Christian ministry's republishing of a B.A.D.D. tract written by born again convict and ex-gamer Darren Moliter. - http://www.logosresourcepages.org/Occult/dnd-ovr.htm
Confessions of a Dungeons & Dragons Addict - Article by M. Joseph Young. Discusses Christian ideals and roleplaying conflicts. - http://www.mjyoung.net/dungeon/confess.html
Should Christians play chess? - A counter-article to "Should a Christian Play Dungeons & Dragons?" - http://elephanticity.250x.com/xianches.html
Role-Playing Games: Fantasy or Reality? - Article from the "Youth and the Occult" issue of the Watchman Expositer. - http://www.watchman.org/occult/frpgames2.htm
Tracy Hickman: Ethics in Fantasy - A game designer's advice for roleplaying gamers communicating with concerned non-gamers. - http://www.trhickman.com/Intel/Essays/Ethic1.html
Dark Dungeons - Christian cartoonist Jack Chick's 1984 anti-roleplaying tract. - http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0046/0046_01.asp
Harry Potter and D&D - Like Two Peas in a Pod? - Essay claiming the popularity of the novels and the games indicate a growing tolerance of pagan influences in popular culture. - http://www.crossroad.to/text/articles/D&D&Harry.htm