Delta System - New rules and skills, a campaign based on the manga Appleseed and another set in a world savaged by extreme natural forces and torn by a great war, for the Delta Force system. -
Modus Operandi - Articles, NPCs, downloads, forums, news, and scenario hooks for various espionage systems. -
The Adventures of Luther Arkwright - Review and ordering information of a system in which players take the parts of people living on alternative Earths. -
Web-Grognards: Commando - Variant combat and character-generation rules for SPI's roleplaying game set in World War II. -
Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes - A contemporary system in which the players are flinty mercenaries, suave spies, and gumshoe detectives. -
National Security Decision-Making Game - The NSDM Game recreates real-world international crises of the present or immediate future. Ideas for scenarios are taken from current headlines and developing trends. Players take the parts of national leaders, dignitaries, ambassadors, military leaders, -