APTE Puzzle Center - The Puzzle Center is an online resource for creating custom puzzles of a variety of types. - http://www.apte.com/puzzles/index.cfm?action=dsp_playhome
100% Word Search - Create, play, print, or export word searches. Features hints and sound. Free trial available. [Windows] - http://www.rt-software.co.uk/100ws/
Free Word Search Puzzle Generator - Generate a Word Search Puzzle using the JavaScript tool and paste the created free HTML code into your web page. - http://www.shawnolson.net/word_search_maker.php
ShopHub Word Search Creator - Fill in the word list to create a word search puzzle and answer key. Can choose font, puzzle size, word direction and title. - http://www.shophub.com/wordsearch.cfm
Think Word Search Game - Is an activeX control that gets integrated into a Web Page. - http://www.thinktechnologies.com/think-word_page.html
Anne's Quizzes - Create a word search puzzle by simply entering in a list of words. Or try puzzles created by other users. - http://www.cooperis.com/quizzes/wordsearch/
DiscoverySchool - Offers kids puzzles, word search games, and educational games for kids and teachers. - http://puzzlemaker.school.discovery.com/
1-2-3 Word Search Maker - Enter your words, press a button, and this software instantly creats a high quality word search puzzle. Free demo available. - http://www.wordsearchmaker.com
Word Search Construction Kit - A specialized desktop publisher for creating word search puzzles. For teachers, students, publishers, trainers and fans. - http://www.wordsearchkit.com
Qualint - Software to create and print custom crossword, word search and word scramble worksheets. - http://www.qualint.com/
Chronasofts Word Splash Pro software - Creates word search puzzles / word find games plus it prints color puzzles, makes java applets and exports wordsearch images. - http://wordsplashpro.chronasoft.com/