Distortions from the Past - Gaming logs from the Day of the Beast/Fungi from Yuggoth and Horror on the Orient Express Chaosium CoC campaigns. - http://www.whiteweasel.net/both/coc/coc.html
Adric's Insanity - Logs of 3 CoC (published) campaigns, character creation rules and HTML sheet. - http://www-personal.umich.edu/~adric/coc.html
Ron Hopkins' Cthulhu Campaign - Campaign summaries and background for a game set in 1925. - http://home1.gte.net/res0k39k/index.htm
Beyond The Mountains Of Madness Cardiff Campaign 2000-01 - Details a BMOM Campaign played in Cardiff 2000-01. Contains character information, handouts, a transcript of extensive email correspondence with Chaz Engan (Co Author) and the awesome fate of Sam Hoy. - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/joedredd/beyonmountains