Javelin's Guide for PennMUSH Gods - A resource for those running PennMUSH games; some material for those running other flavors of MUSH as well. - http://pennmush.tinymush.org/~alansz/guide/guide.html
BattletechMUX Community Portal - A community resource site for BattletechMUX, a real-time warfare simulation codebase centered around the Battletech universe. - http://portal.btmux.com
Battletech-Online.org Battletech MUX - A codebase that features a real-time mechanized warfare combat system over a decade old. - http://sourceforge.net/projects/btonline-btech
MUX 2 - MUX 2 is a well supported server and is available as both a UNIX and Win32 version. - http://tinymux.org
PennMUSH - A popular, memory based MUSH server. - http://www.pennmush.org
PennMUSH for Win32 - A version of PennMUSH compiled to work on Win32 systems. - http://www.gammon.com.au/pennmush/win32mush.htm