Diku MUD
- Official website, featuring a hierarchy, and copyright issues with Everquest.
- http://www.dikumud.com/
JediMUD - News, background and the ability to telnet to the MUD. Links to Star Wars archives and general tips and information on participating in MUDs. - http://jedimud.com/
Continents - Features information on character creation, races, classes, factions, clans, and staff. Includes a question and answer section, help files and a mailing list. - http://www.continentsmud.com/
Ishar MUD - Multiplayer text game set in a world of fantasy and magic. - http://www.ishar.com/
Multi Mud - Heavy source modifications leading to a lot of additional commands, spells and skills. - http://www.multimud.net/
Harshlands - Detailed information about the game, alchemy, administrators, crafts, mangai, organisations, places, policies, races and religion. Also provides contact and connection details. - http://www.harshlands.net/
Worlds of Carnage - Provides a world of Tolkien-esque creatures and advanture. Players can advance via a skill-based system or by a class-based system and can choose from multiple races. - http://www.wocmud.org
Dizzymud - Provides various roleplaying formats and is based on a combination of fantasy and science fiction themes. - http://www.dizzymud.com/
Shadowdale MUD - Features immortals, issues of the Shadowdale Herald, maps, policy, forum, and FAQ. - http://www.sdmud.org/
Harshlands Fan, The - Created and maintained by fans of the RPI MUD Harshlands. The main focus is character creation role-play and having fun. - http://hem.passagen.se/jmorvi/index.htm
Empire - Roleplay with anonymity in a fantasy mud with an original 10k+ room world. This mud is for experienced players. - http://wraith.aplus.net
Criterion MUD - Features text and web based playing with graphics, aliases, color, and sounds. The game contains quests, multiple areas, an automated multi-item auction, duel arena, and random items. - http://www.criterionmud.net/
Fatal Dimensions - A European-based MUD offering a nice mix of stock and original areas, cool coding, and lots of nifty features. It has been online since August of 1996. - http://www.fataldimensions.org
AlexMUD - Based on a combination of fantasy and Science Fiction. Find sections on classes, areas, FAQs, and player guides. - http://alex.stacken.kth.se/
Valhalla Mud - Information about the VME codebase, a new player guide, help files, message board and player photographs. Also include's a building guide. - http://www.valhalla.com/
TeraMUD - Features detailed maps, newbie guides, online helpfiles, and forums. - http://tera.teralink.com/~mud
Nilgiri the forgotten world - Information on players, immortals, artwork. Also includes sections on features, a new player tutorial. - http://nilgiri.mythril.com/
Lords of the Realm - Information about races, classes, houses and players. Also includes a detailed building guide. - http://www.lordsoftherealm.org/
ROP - Rites of Passage MUD - Good versus evil player kill mud running an enhanced EmlenMud code. Features 24 races, 9 professions, remorts, clans, guilds, and warpoints. - http://www.ropmud.com/
Destiny - Information on players, immortals, history, resources, and roleplay. - http://destiny.nerp.net
Alter Aeon - Features information on current statistics, help, and the people who play this mud. - http://www.dentinmud.org/alter
The Northern Crossroads - Features unique races, classes, spells/skills, zones/areas, and optional PlayerKilling. - http://www.ncmud.org
Sharune - Sections on rules, policy, game information, getting started, news, FAQ. Also features a bulletin board, guide book and the Bards' Tales Inn. - http://www.sharune.com/
The Mystic Adventure Guide - Muds are online roleplaying games of which Mystic Adventure aims to be the best. Classes, races, and quests are available. - http://www.mystic-adventure.org
Land, The - Offers links to pictures, stories, and books. [Based on the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever.] - http://home.online.no/~grum/land/
The Last Sunrise - Information about history, rules, character creation, player photograph gallery, races and guidelines. - http://www.thelastsunrise.net/
Kallisti MUD - Features include in-depth guides about classes, races, spells, skills, and equipment, overviews of many game features, builder information, MSP sound information, and message forums. - http://www.kallistimud.com
Curiosity's Shadowdale Site - A companion to the Shadowdale MUD. Features maps, itemstats, player details and hints and tips. - http://www.curiosity-shoppe.com/sd/index.shtml
The Last Outpost - Contains links to clients for playing mud, game credits, a 'whats new' section, player score information, and a short paper on mud area topology. - http://www.last-outpost.com
Shadows of the Mind - Information on areas, immortals, quests, players and story. Provides resources, building guides, maps and a mailing list. - http://www.icubed.com/~shadows/
Armageddon - Website for Armageddon, a diku MUD. Contains a selection of information for beginners to this game, including all aspects of character customisation, 'how to roleplay' guides, and discussion boards. - http://www.armageddon.org
Death's Domain - Information on players, rules, help files, credits and resources. Features a new player guide, archive's and mailing list. - http://dd.revealed.net
Ashavar's Legacy - A raceless and classless mud original areas, built-in puzzles, randomized quest areas, player made equipment, and interactive mobiles. - http://www.ashavar.com
The Underworld - Based on a combination of Diku and Silly. Features sections on quests, areas, prizes and auctions. - http://www.theuw.net
Zee Mud - Swords and sorcery theme Dikumud based upon Mudde Pathetique. - http://www.zeemud.org
Sloth - Features sections on staff, equipment, spells, potions, skills, maps and auctions. - http://www.slothmud.org/
Medievia - One of the largest, most advanced games on the Internet. - http://www.medievia.com
Arctic Mud - Loosely based on TSR's Dragonlance novels. - http://www.arctic.org/