Fugitives From Fate - The online home of the Fugitives From Fate Permacorp. News, RSS feeds, member bios, and corporate history. - http://www.thestardock.com/fugitives/
Dragon's Keep - Dragon Elite Corporate page, player reviews, how to contact players, tournament information. - http://tradewars.fament.com/guardian/
Dread Pirate Crosby - Differences between playing evil and playing good. - http://soli.inav.net/~crosby/cp.htm
Hellcat's Collection - Contains cap files made during battles with other players. - http://www.depletecoitus.com/twars.htm
Cruncher's Trade Wars Page - Player page, with gallery of player photos. - http://tradewars.fament.com/cruncher/tradewar.htm