Tau Online - Background about the Tau, hints on starting up, tactics, fluff, house rules, galleries, forums, conversions, battle reports and a newsletter. - http://www.tauonline.org/
Spaceport 3:140:4 - Come to Space Port 3:140:4 the gateway to the Imperium. Also includes online comic. - http://www.spaceport3x140x4.tk
Warhammer Terrain and Scenery - Provide high quality models, tutorials and general information on all, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Fantasy and Lord of the Rings miniatures. - http://www.maffo-models.com
Area 51 - Discounted online store for Games Workshop products. - http://www.area51.uk.com
Kataan IV - Contains conversions and fiction for Imperial Guard, Space Marines and Chaos. Includes frequently updated live project journals, detailing on-going modelling pieces as they are created. - http://www.gtazz.com/kataan/
Bootae.org - Includes fiction, tactics and rules. - http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~bootae/
Warhammer Epic 40K - Project : Lexor - Features a section on how to convert Epic Assassins but also has extensive examples of painted Epic models. - http://www.lexcore.co.uk/Epic4/
Battlefield 40k - Battlefield 40k is a total conversion of Electronic Arts Game Battlefield 1942 based on Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000. - http://www.battlefield40k.com
Dysartes.com - Includes tactics, trial rules, editorials, modelling and fiction. - http://www.dysartes.com
Black Dwarf - General information and new rules. - http://www.apah56.dsl.pipex.com/bkdwarf/
The Realm of Inisfail - Detailed information on the 2nd and 3rd editions of the game including rules, tactics and background. - http://www.inisfail.com
Richard's Warhammer Webpage - Contains pictures, modelling information, painting tutorials and tactics on Chaos Space Marines, Eldar and Orks. - http://www3.telus.net/warhammer/index.html
Critical Hit - News, rules and background information. - http://www.criticalhit.co.uk/w40krp/