Warhammer Tent - General information, army lists, tactics, battle reports, and a rules FAQ. - http://galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu/~tomcat/warhammer.htm
Telroth's Tower of Hoeth - Downloads, painting tips, tactics, pre-made armies, campaigns for all armies, tactics and pictures. - http://www.djcl.com/telroth/
White Tower - Features news, articles, rumors, tactics, battle reports, unofficial add-ons, new army lists, scenarios, painting, short stories, files, and links. - http://home.swipnet.se/~w-13090/
The Warhammer Gallery - Features news, rumors, tactics, rules, links, and galleries of miniatures. - http://home.comcast.net/~tedrussell/warhammergallery/main.html
Portent - Features news, rumours, art, rules, stories, auctions, files, and reports. - http://www.portent.net