A History of Traditional Board Games
- Contains information on old traditional board games.
- http://www.tradgames.org.uk/features/board-games.htm
- A database of player reviews, session reports, images, and news.
- http://www.boardgamegeek.com/
Games Information Depot - Rules for and histories of multiple games. Also includes details about starting a collection. - http://www.gamesinfodepot.com/games/board/
A Board Games Database - A database of pictures, parts inventory, and rules details of American commercial board, dice, and card games. - http://aboardgamesdatabase.com
Yehuda - Board games and gaming blog from Jerusalem, Israel. - http://jergames.blogspot.com
The Games of Bruno Faidutti - Game reviews and information from French game designer Bruno Faidutti. - http://www.faidutti.com/
Globetrotter Games - Categorized directory of board games. Includes game descriptions and rules. Swedish/English. - http://globetrotter-games.com/
Board Game Webring - Searchable database of places to buy used board games and parts. - http://www.jobogames.com/boardgamewebring/
Board Game Studies - An academic journal for historical and systematic research on board games. - http://www.boardgamesstudies.org/
Traditional Games Database - Alphabetical listing of traditional games. Listings include publisher and developer details, as well as the year each game was published. - http://www.games-db.com/Traditional/
About.com - Articles to help budding game designers. - http://boardgames.about.com/msub6.htm
Board Games Fan Page at Graceful Boot - Presents a board game journal, rules clarifications and variants, and strategy articles. - http://gracefulboot.com/board_games/
Trev's Boardgames - Pictures, gamebox descriptions, and short reviews of multiple British, German, and American boardgames and cardgames. Also includes trip reports from game conventions. - http://www.clanfork.co.uk/Trev/
The Games Forum - Features descriptions, rules, and variants for multiple games. Also features a gamer database, articles, swap and sell, and online gaming. - http://www.thegamesforum.com/BoardGames.html
GameCaravan - A database and guide to games, gaming groups, and conventions. - http://www.gamecaravan.com/
About.com: Board Games - Features news, free games, articles, rules, and a discussion forum. - http://boardgames.about.com/
Internet Top 100 Games List - A collection of board game ratings from users of rec.games.board. - http://scv.bu.edu/~aarondf/Top100/
Two Player Games - Lists board games that are playable by two players. Lists are sub-divided into games that are multiplayer but can be played by only two players and games that are specifically designed for two players only. - http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/luding/two_player_list.html
Spotlight on Games - Errata, variants, analysis, rules summaries, reviews, charts and background information for a variety of board games and simulations. By Rick Heli. - http://www.spotlightongames.com/
Kulkmann's G@mebox - Covers on old and new German and English boardgames. Features articles about Games Workshop, Talisman, Tolkien boardgames, the SPIEL convention at Essen and others. - http://www.boardgame.de/
Brikker & Brett - Offers pictures and descriptions of board and card games. - http://games.brikkerogbrett.com/
Dan Becker's Game Site - Reviews board, card and dice games. Also includes photos of gaming sessions. - http://www.io.com/~beckerdo/games/games.html
Board Games FAQ - FAQ's on board games from rec.games.board on usenet. - http://www.faqs.org/faqs/games/board-games-faq/
Luding - Database of games that includes to reviews, variants, and biographies on the designers. [English and German] - http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/luding/
Spelmagazijn - English - Translation and smaller version of Dutch site with gaming news and reviews of card and board games. - http://home.wxs.nl/~rubik/uk/index.html
Brett and Board - Presents information and news about German family board games. - http://brettboard.dk/
The Game Cabinet - A monthly magazine covering board and card games with an emphasis on the European games scene. Each issue features reviews, original games, surveys of traditional games, and rule translations for new Eurogames. - http://www.gamecabinet.com/
The Games Journal - Archives of articles from a monthly board game publication that ceased publication in October 2005. Articles cover subjects like game strategy, board game awards and convention reports, and the business of board game design. - http://www.thegamesjournal.com/