Dark Talisman - Features variants and thoughts on creating a computer version of the game. - http://royhsmithjr.20fr.com/newfile.html
Talisman - Description, rules and pictures of components. - http://globetrotter-games.com/index.htm?E&game/eTalism.htm
Yahoo Talisman Discussion Group - Discussion group. Topics include rules, expansions and buying and selling. - http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/talisman_2nd_ed/
Kulkmann's Gamebox: Talisman - Information on official and unofficial expansions, reviews, gaming tips, and a place to buy Talisman expansions and miniatures. - http://www.solicitor.de/gamebox/talisman.htm
Background by Bob Harris - The creator of Talisman re-tells its history. - http://www.harris-authors.com/talisman.html
WarpZone - Talisman - A variation of the downloadable Talisman Card Creator computer program and some new expansion sets created with it. - http://www.randomdice.com/games/talisman/
Richter's World of Talisman Stuff - Newly-created expansions from various worlds for Talisman. - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/a.donaghey/
The Talisman Pub Crawl - Rules for a drinking game based on Talisman. - http://www.gla.ac.uk/~clubs/gaming/stuff/talisman/pubcrawl.htm
Talisman Quest - Sam's unofficial site contains magazine reprints, official rules, and downloads. - http://talisman.clift.org/sam/
The Stuff of Legends - Complete listing of miniatures including the 3rd edition plastic ones. - http://www.solegends.com/cittal/index.htm
Talisman Boardgame FAQ - Game components (2nd and 3rd editions), commentary, house rules, hints and suggstions for improved game play. - http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/Games/Talisman/
Talisman Variant Characters - Includes rules fixes, character ratings, and deck inventories. - http://spotlightongames.com/variant/talisman.html
Talisman Island - Contains resources, features, downloadable cardbacks and spin offs. - http://www.talismanisland.co.uk/