Tanbo - Offers rules and game information. - http://www.gamerz.net/pbmserv/tanbo.html
Round Go Board - Print out this round go board from a PDF file and experiment. - http://www.youdzone.com/go.html
Quantum Go - A tool to teach principles of Fault-Tolerant Design, based on the game of go. - http://www.tipjar.com/dnconsult/QuantumGo.htm
Go on a 2 by 2 Board - Mathematical analysis of the outcome of go on a board with four or fewer vertices, under a suitable mathematical ruleset. - http://brooklyngoclub.org/jc/go2by2.html
Go Variants - Slightly different games that can be played on a go board or in a similar style as go. - http://www.win.tue.nl/~engels/go/variants.html