3D Planets - A 3D virtual reality community. Visitors can chat, play games, hold community jobs, own homes, and buy objects. - http://members.shaw.ca/deighv/
3D-4u2 multi-user VR solutions - 3D-4u2 offers multiuser 3D and virtual reality technology on the internet that seemlessly integrates most current technologies, ranging from live video to 3D animations and allows users to build themselves. - http://www.3d-4u2.com/
Travelers Network - Travelers Network offers free voice chat in 3D virtual worlds. - http://travelersnetwork.net
Unknown Galaxy - An Active Worlds based system where you can build structures, play games, or chat with friends. Also offers world hosting for a fee. - http://www.unknowngalaxy.com
Cage8 - A "Top 100" list for Adobe Atmosphere virtual worlds and websites, based on click-through rates. - http://www.cage8.com/toplist/index.html
Planet Virtuel - 3D VR community with avatar based chat. Design and create your own home and surroundings. - http://www.planetvirtuel.com
Chicago3D.Net - A hosting reseller for Activeworlds, Inc. since 1998. - http://chicago3d.net/aw1.html
AW Europe - An official distributor of Activeworlds technology in Europe with 3D environments for both business and home use. - http://www.aw-europe.com/
Ziekerdanziek's 3D Help Guide - Resources for building and visiting online 3D communities. - http://vrml.alleyweb.co.uk
3D Chat Virtual Universe - People can meet, interact with each other, build houses and whole worlds within a three-dimensional space. - http://www.3dchat.org
Atmosphere Work - Jim Coe's training and resources for world builders. Tutorials with 3D demos and JavaScripts for Adobe Atmosphere Lighting, and audio. - http://wellmadewebs.com/public/atmo/atmo-main.html
VRSpace - An open source (gpl) virtual reality cross-platform 3D community software. - http://www.vrspace.org/
Dreamland Park - Explore, chat, and build a community using Active Worlds software. - http://www.dreamlandpark.com
Virtual Worlds Review - A guide to online virtual worlds with a focus on social interaction. Basic info, visitor ratings, reviews and helpful links for each program. - http://www.virtualworldsreview.com/
Alterlinks - Active Worlds resource for visiting or creating your own virtual world: hosting, textures, 3D objects, avatars, skyboxes, tutorials. - http://www.alterlinks.com
Moove - 3D chat world. Customizable avatars with facial expression. Users can chat, build and furnish a house, listen to music, share files. Can be integrated with external tools. - http://www.moove.com/
VRMLWorld.net - A portal to various VRML worlds, with multiuser chatting via VNet+. Free to use and to add your own worlds. Works best with IE and Blaxxun Contact. - http://vrmlworld.net/
DigitalSpace Corporation - Software and world development company. Also home to Traveler online community. - http://www.digitalspace.com/
Virtual Object System / Internet Virtual Reality - A software infrastructure for distributed object-oriented programming. The primary application for VOS is a multiuser virtual environment run by many interconnected clients. - http://interreality.org
Cybertown - A popular and long-running web-based multiuser world, using VRML and Blaxxun browser software. Chat, and use objects. - http://www.cybertown.com/
Contact Consortium - A research and trade association for virtual worlds, avatars, virtual community. Organizer of yearly Avatars conference. - http://www.ccon.org
Dive - An Internet-based distributed multi-user VR system, developed by researchers at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science since 1991. - http://www.sics.se/dive/
OzGate - A site running several DigitalSpace Traveler worlds. - http://www.ozgate.com/
Activeworlds - 3D virtual reality chat plugin software and servers. Design worlds, chat with friends, play games. - http://www.activeworlds.com/