OSSP: lmtp2nntp - Open source local mail transfer protocol service for use in conjunction with a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) like Sendmail or Postfix, providing a real-time mail to news gateway. - http://www.ossp.org/pkg/tool/lmtp2nntp/
Juta - Usenet Traffic Analyzer - Command line tools to process Usenet postings, including generating statistics. Open source under GNU GPL. - http://schmidt.devlib.org/software/juta.html
UUDeview - Open source tool that includes both and encoder and a decoder able to handle Base64, BinHex, UUencode, XXencode and yEnc formats. Versions for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and DOS are available. - http://www.fpx.de/fp/Software/UUDeview/
TurboZen.com: yEnc TZ - Open source utility that decodes files in yEnc, UUencode and Base 64 formats widely used on binary newsgroups. Versions available for Mac OS 7, 8, 9, and X as well as Motorola 68K based Macintoshes. - http://www.turbozen.com/mac/yenc/index.html
W3news - A flexible CGI tool that implements a Usenet newsreader through HTML pages. GPL'ed. Has been tested on GNU/Linux. - http://www.aei.mpg.de/~peekas/w3news/
NewsWolf - Desktop application to search for public news servers. - http://www.netwu.com/newswolf/
NNTPspider - A cross platform, open source application written in Perl which searches public news servers. - http://nntpspider.berlios.de/
WebNews - A web-based, open source, multi-user CGI news reader written in Perl. Also works with Apache and with mod_perl. - http://sourceforge.net/projects/webnews
Par2.net - Information and downloads for tools for handling par and par2 archives. Par and Par2 are file formats used for sending files via Usenet. - http://www.par2.net/
NewsPortal - Open source PHP script that enables access to a newsserver (by NNTP) from a webpage. It allows to combine web-forums and newsgroups. - http://amrhein.eu/newsportal/
Parchive: Parity Archive Tool - Main development site for software to handle the PAR and PAR2 archive formats. Contains the file format specification, graphical clients, information for those who want to contribute to the PAR software, forums and announcements. - http://parchive.sourceforge.net/
Ninan - Open source binary news downloading program. Once installed, Ninan is controlled through a web browser even if it is on a local filesystem. Requires Java, runs on Unix and Windows. - http://www.ninan.org/
nntp//rss - Enables RSS feeds to be read with NNTP newsreaders. Open source software, requires the Java Runtime Environment. - http://www.methodize.org/nntprss/
Usenet4Free - Perl-based GPL gateway between Usenet and the Web. - http://usenetweb.sourceforge.net/
Usenet-Web 1.0.2 - A free Usenet permanent archiving and web presentation tool written in Perl. - http://www.snowhare.com/utilities/usenet-web/
TR Newsportal - A modified version of the open source Newsportal Usenet-Web gateway. - http://www.newsportal.one.pl/
PHP News Reader - An open source Web-based news client. - http://pnews.urdada.net/