WardWatch - Records patient details for use during rounds. Includes demo, screen shots, manual, and release notes. - http://www.torlesse.com/pilot/wardwatch/
Statcoder.com - Offers a variety of programs, including several coding programs, cardiac risk calculator, growth chart, cardiac surgery risk, and cholesterol calculator. Some are freeware, some are demos. Some require TealInfo. - http://www.statcoder.com/
StacWorks - Offers ABG Pro, an arterial blood gas calculator; and Preg Watch a due date calculator where results may be saved. - http://www.stacworks.com/
PocketMD - Patient database management system, with history and physical, laboratory values, problem list, and medication list. Includes selected screen slide show. - http://www.pocketmd.com/
Medical Wizards - Offers shareware programs for pediatric reference and calculations, emergency and critical care drip calculator, and a poisoning management reference. Screen shots, frequently asked questions, and company profile. - http://www.medicalwizards.com/
Medical Eponyms - Database with common and obscure eponyms. Requires either JFile or a document reader. - http://eponyms.net/eponyms.htm
Medical Communication Systems - Electronic medical record database. Includes demo, trial version, news, and corporate information. - http://www.medcomsys.com/
MedicalMnemonics.com - Free database of medical mnemonics, with abridged and unabridged versions. Includes tour and help topics. Customization requires free registration. - http://www.medicalmnemonics.com/cgi-bin/palm.cfm
ePocrates - Offers freeware drug and infectious disease databases. Includes system requirements, tour of features, and auto update information. Requires free registration for download. - http://www.epocrates.com/
JournalToGo.com - Delivers customized clinical abstracts and healthcare news. Includes tour, list of channels, and company information. - http://journaltogo.com/
Healthy Palmpilot - Collection of software, doc files, calculators, and databases. - http://www.healthypalmpilot.com/
PatientKeeper - Data management system which keeps track of patient information, including history and physical, notes, labs, tests, to-do, problem lists. Includes demo, frequently asked questions, and security information. - http://www.patientkeeper.com/
Riley Kidometer - Provides age-based normals including height and weight, vital signs, developmental milestones, lab values, and vaccine information. Screen shots, list of chapters, and author information. Shareware. - http://www.kidometer.com/