- Large Commodore 8-bit file archive formerly hosted at funet.fi. Contains documentation, magazines and software for all Commodore models.
- http://www.zimmers.net/anonftp/pub/cbm/
xu1541 - Connects Commodore IEC bus drives (like the 1541) to PCs via USB. - http://www.harbaum.org/till/xu1541/index.shtml
WiNGs - Official Website - A 16-bit multi-tasking operating system for the CMD SuperCPU enhanced Commodore 64/128. The OS includes an optional GUI, multiple shell consoles, and integration with the internet via TCP/IP over PPP. - http://wings.webhop.org/
C=VGA Adaptor - Ongoing project to build a card that connects a Commodore computer to a VGA monitor. - http://www.commodorescene.servebbs.org/vga.html
CBMFiles - Archive of Commodore 64 and 128 software including a freely available GEOS boot system and the GEnie library. - http://cbmfiles.com/index.html
Symbol Engine - A weblog about Commodore cross development. - http://www.symbolengine.com
Larry's Classic Commodore Pages - Tips, PET/CBM and BBS lore and an archive of Commodore files. - http://www.portcommodore.com/commodore.php?path=main
The Scratchpad - Various BASIC and machine language programming projects for the Commodore 64. - http://www.white-flame.com/scratch/scratch.html
Ray Carlsen Electronics - Repair articles, hacks, upgrades and schematics for Commodore computers. - http://personalpages.tds.net/~rcarlsen/
gui4cbm4win - Graphical front-end to cbm4win which allows user to read/write to real serial Commodore floppy drives (1541, 1571, etc) under Windows 2000 or XP. - http://www.jammingsignal.com/gui4cbm4win/
1581-Copy - CBM 1581 floppy disk copy utility for DOS. Imports and exports 1581 disks to a PC based 3.5" floppy drive and disk controller. - http://d81.de/
Commodore Languages List - List of programming languages available for Commodore 8-bit computers. Some languages have dozens of entries. - http://www.npsnet.com/danf/cbm/languages.html
The Commodore Billboard - An archive of Commodore adverts, brochures and TV commercials. - http://www.commodorebillboard.de/
Wikipedia: Commodore International - Wikipedia's history of Commodore and their product line. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_International
PET index - Information about Commodore PET models, hardware and programming. - http://www.6502.org/users/andre/petindex/
Llamas under the lid - Various Commodore projects including a way to use a PC as a virtual disk drive for your C64 or C128. - http://www.cling.gu.se/~cl3polof/commodore.html
Ruud's Commodore Site - Information about Commodore software and hardware projects. Includes some KIM and PET stuff. - http://www.baltissen.org/index.html
Commodore Knowledge Base - Technical articles, repair notes and documentation about Commodore 8-bit computers. - http://www.floodgap.com/retrobits/ckb/
Commodore Ring - Old school collection of personal Commodore webpages from around the world. - http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=cbmring
Commodore Computer History - Product information, pictures, downloads, promotional materials and manuals for computers and peripherals produced from 1975 to 1986. - http://www.commodore.ca
Commodore One - Commodore compatible re-configurable computer designed by Jeri Ellsworth. C64 and VIC-20 cores are available to download. - http://c64upgra.de/c-one/
Commodore & Compression Page - Various disk and graphics utilities for the VIC-20, C64 and Amiga. - http://www.cs.tut.fi/~albert/Dev/
Michael Klein's Projects - Features cbm4linux, a Linux kernel module to use disk drives and printers with the C64 and VIC-20. Also instructions for adding 8K RAM expansion to the 1541. - http://www.lb.shuttle.de/puffin/
OAP Computers' retro photos - Photos of Commodore computers and peripherals, sometimes in their original packaging. - http://www.btinternet.com/~selbyd/commodore.html
Softwolves 8-bit - Contains SYS PD (public domain software library) for C64 and C128, iDOC=, articles and screenshots. - http://www.softwolves.pp.se/cbm/index.en.shtml
Joe Forster/STA - Developer of the Star Commander and StarLFN. Links to Commodore 64, MS-DOS, Linux, Windows and Amiga software. Compendium of several Commodore-related file formats. Information for developing or buying the X1541 interface. - http://sta.c64.org/
Commodore Service Manuals - Service manuals and programmer's guides for Commodore 8-bit computers and peripherals. - http://www.devili.iki.fi/Computers/Commodore/
C= Homestead - Commodore News. Features information about using the internet with the Commodore, mailing lists, and links to software. - http://cbm.videocam.net.au/
LNG: LUnix, the Next Generation - An experimental operating system for the Commodore 64/128. The open source project is hosted at SourceForge and has been ongoing since 1993. - http://lng.sourceforge.net/
Secret Weapons of Commodore - Detailed information about obscure Commodore hardware offerings and prototypes throughout the ages, listed in a horror movie style. - http://www.retrobits.com/ckb/secret/
Commodore Home Computer Museum (NZ) - Photos and information about a private Commodore shrine located in New Zealand. - http://webs4u.co.nz/museum/
Commie - Original freeware programs, C64/128 utilities, hardware repair tips, Commodore BBS programs, GEOS pages and a canonical list of Commodore products. - http://www.zimmers.net/commie/index.html
The Fridge - Source code, tools and technical information for Commodore and 6502 programmers. - http://www.ffd2.com/fridge/
IDOC= - International documentation project for Commodore 8-bit computers. Sort of a non-English companion site to Project 64. - http://www.softwolves.pp.se/idoc/
Commodore Products Source List - Lists information about Commodore clubs (user groups), dealers, repair shops, stores, and supplies. - http://home1.gte.net/longrj2/cpsl/