DVIware on the CTAN
- The dviware section of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network. Most existing dviware are collected there.
- http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/dviware/
dvisvgm - Command line utility for TeX/LaTeX users that converts DVI files to SVG. Examples, download and SourceForge project page. - http://dvisvgm.sourceforge.net/
DVISVG - Converts from DVI to SVG. Information and download of source code. - http://dvisvg.sourceforge.net/
About IDVI - A Java applet which can view DVI files. Documentation, download and a demo. - http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/java/idvi/
dvi2bitmap - A free utility for converting TEX DVI files to bitmaps (GIF, PNG and XBM) directly. Release notes and download. - http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/users/norman/star/dvi2bitmap/
DVII - A free utility written in C that extracts information from a TeX dvi file. - http://www.macrotex.net/dvii/
dvipdfm - A DVI to PDF translator developed by Mark A. Wicks. Source and Linux binaries. - http://gaspra.kettering.edu/dvipdfm/
nDVI - DVI viewer plugin for Netscape (Unix) with support for hyperTeX. No longer being developed. - http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/kp229/ndvi/
gsftopk - A program that uses Ghostscript to render PostScript fonts and convert the bitmaps to .pk format for use with xdvi or other .dvi viewers. - http://math.berkeley.edu/~vojta/gsftopk.html