PC-Parent - Software to capture screenshots, and save them for later viewing. View screenshots locally or remotely using the network or Internet. - http://www.killersoftware.com/pc-parent
We-Blocker - Free internet filter with pre-blacklisted and user-specified websites blocking, and inappropriate keyword detection (preset and user defined). - http://www.safefamilies.org/download.php
Advanced Parental Control - Restricts access to the computer and Internet by time and by website, and monitors / records user activity. - http://www.advancedparentalcontrol.com
PC Home Software - Tools to restrict kids time and resource useage. - http://www.pchomesoft.com
Parental Control .org - Various information and links to parental control reviews and articles. - http://www.parental-control.org
PinPoint Auditor - Enterprise software for scanning computers for inappropriate material. Capable of analyzing networked computers from a remote PC. Includes reporting and other enterprise functions. - http://www.pinpointauditor.com
Netintelligence - Combining Anti Virus, Web filtering, IM recording, time controls withapplication monitoring. Licensed for up to 3 PCs. - http://www.safesurfdsl.com
Brightfilter - Protects against spyware, phishing, malware and inappropriate website content. Annual fee. - http://www.brightfilter.co.uk
SentryPC - Allows parents to filter, monitor, and schedule computer, internet, and application use for all users of the computer. - http://www.sentrypc.com
My Nabyoo Clean Zone - Internet filter with chat and peer-to-peer blocking, activity logging, automatic screencaptures, password control. - http://www.mynabyoo.com
CleanComputer - Listing of software tools aimed at cleaning computer systems and preventing offensive material from getting in. - http://www.cleancomputer.net
ComputerTime - Lets parents set limits on the amount of time and the time of day when their children can use the computer. - http://www.softwaretime.com
PC Tattletale - Monitors internet activity, chat rooms, email, keystrokes, as well as acting as an internet filter. - http://www.pctattletale.com/
Win Nanny - Access control program allows time limits to be set for each user. - http://www.blue-lizard.net/winnanny.htm
Internet Lock - Controls internet usage, denying/allowing any program TCP/IP port access as necessary. Password protects internet connection, password protects web browsers. - http://www.toplang.com/internetlock.htm
Chat Watch - Monitoring tool used to log both sides of instant messages on AOL, MSN, ICQ, and Yahoo. - http://www.zemericks.com/products/chatwatch/index.asp
ModemLockDown - Disables access to the Internet by preventing use of Dialup, DSL or Cable modems. Time and User based locking. - http://modemlockdown.techconz.com
Chat Stalker - Intercepts chat traffic and stores for later review. - http://www.agtechsoft.com
Surfwall Home - Filtering tool which automatically blocks all adult websites listed on central server, and manually allows / blocks specified websites - http://www.omniquad.com/surfwallhome.htm
Parental Key - Controls access to a PC by blocking application and internet use. Requires the insertion of any standard USB storage device that has been configured by the software. - http://www.parentalkey.com
Time Boss - PC access management program with simple interface and multilanguage support. Allows user to set time limits for PC use and to forbid the use of specified programs. - http://www.nicekit.com/
Chaperone - Designed to control how and when a computer is used. It allows parents to control computer use by minors, including access to MSN, Yahoo, AOL and other chat programs. - http://www.css-software.com
File Sharing Sentinel - Prevents installation and use of peer to peer file sharing software such as Kazaa, Morpheus, Bearshare, etc. - http://www.akidthaine.com
SafeKidz - Allows parents to limit access to the internet by only permitting visitation of approved sites. Parents create and enter a list of sites that may be visited. - http://www.safekidz.com
Quality Time - Software limits computer usage to particular times of the day, and limits individuals to an amount of time within those periods, warning users before time runs out. - http://www.wieser-software.com/qualtime/
Media Detective - Finds and removes pornographic media files from a PC's hard drive. Detects skin color in movies and images to help identify nudity. - http://www.mediadetective.com
Perfect Keylogger - Keylogger with remote installation function, records keystrokes, ICQ/AIM chats, websites visited, makes screenshots and monitors the clipboard. - http://www.blazingtools.com/bpk.html
Security Officer for Windows - Controls access to the computer according to predefined rules, including user restrictions and time schedules. - http://www.mybestsoft.com/wso/index.html
KidSplorer Web Browser for Kids - Allows children to safely browse the internet unsupervised, by preventing access to objectionable materials and sites. - http://www.devicode.com/kidsplorer/index.htm
Photosnoop - Scans disk drives and attempts to find inappropriate pictures. - http://www.lost.co.nz/main/software/photosnoop/
Data Apples Corporation - Suntereo is a parental control software for the Internet that will allow parents to decide what sites can be viewed. Requirements: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP and Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. - http://www.dataapples.com/
TimeWatcher - Control childrens computer access and how long they are using the computer. - http://www.timewatcher.de/fam/Home/
Surf Spy - Invisible monitoring of Internet activity. Captures the URL of every visited web site and stores it to an encrypted file. (Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP) - http://www.bysoft.se/sureshot/surfspy/index.html
Control Kids - Filters objectionable content and suppresses pop-up / banner advertising. Records visited web sites and logs keystrokes. (Win95/98/Me/2000/NT 4.0/XP) - http://www.controlkids.com/
Security Software Systems - Offers various software packages to filter, block, and monitor Internet and application use; for home, business, education, and government. - http://www.securitysoft.com/
WatchDog - Parental Control and time management software to restrict the time that users spend on the computer. - http://www.sarna.net/watchdog/
iOpus STARR - Stealth monitoring utility for PCs. Invisibly logs keystrokes, passwords, used applications, visited websites, chat transcripts. Can also email the logfile to a remote PC. - http://www.iopus.com/starr.htm
MoM Web Monitor - Supervisor utility for URL logging, tracking and recording screen shots of Internet activity. - http://www.avsweb.com/mom/index.html