A Persistent System in Real Use: Experiences of the First 13 Years - Eumel and successor L3, OSs made by GMD, have been used for 13 and 4 years respectively, for production in business, education. Over 2000 Eumel, 500 L3 have shipped since 1979, 1988. Both rely on persistence, with fault-surviving. Description, links. [Res - http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/liedtke93persistent.html
Architecture of the PEVM: A High-Performance Orthogonally Persistent Java Virtual Machine - Describes design, implementation of new scalable, high performance implementation of orthogonal persistence for Java platform (OPJ). Based on Sun Microsystems Labs Virtual Machine for Research (ResearchVM); features: optimizing Just-In-Time compiler, exac - http://www.sun.com/research/techrep/2000/abstract-93.html
Forest Project - Investigated using persistent object technology in building large-scale software development environments. In time, became more about developing persistent object technology; broadened scope to provide support for all Java applications that manage long-li - http://www.sun.com/research/forest/
Persistent Programming Research Group - Web server in the School of Computer Science, St. Andrews University. Includes search by topic publications index. - http://www-ppg.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/