QuickEncrypt - A shareware utility provides drag and drop encryption/decryption of files and folders. - http://www.dejal.com/quickencrypt/
Fairly Good Privacy - A text-encryption program that can be used to send encrypted messages to recipients. This is considered a low security product. - http://www.securemac.com/fgp.php
Fortify for Netscape - Upgrades Netscape Communicator to 128-bit encryption. - http://www.fortify.net/download_main.html
Warlord Software - The maker of Tresor, a file and folder encryption tool for Mac. Offers a newsletter, downloadable demo, product registration, support, and bug reporting. - http://www.warlord.li
PGP Freeware - A security program distributed by MIT that allows users to send information securely using two-key encryption. - http://web.mit.edu/network/pgp.html
Mac GNU Privacy Guard - GnuPG Mac OS X port the open source OpenPGP client. - http://macgpg.sourceforge.net/