Olympia Linux Users Group - Linux users group of Olympia, Washington, U.S.A. Site contains information about the meeting and links. - http://olylug.org/
Tacoma Linux Users Group - A fast growing group for Linux enthusists in the Tacoma Washington area. - http://www.taclug.org/
Clark Linux User Group - For Linux users and novices in the Vancouver Washington area, located at Clark College. - http://cs.clark.edu/~clug/
KPLUG - Kitsap Peninsula Linux User Group. Library, projects, messages boards, and newbie help. - http://www.kplug.org/
Greater Seattle Linux User's Group - "Linux users share their observations, problems, and solutions on this site's bulletin boards and at monthly meetings." - http://www.gslug.org/
BLUG: Home Page - LUG information, email lists, meetings times and locations, and news. - http://www.blug.org/