Hping - A network scanner that uses spoofed source address packets. Mainly used to test firewall rules and to perform advanced TCP/IP related attacks like the idle scan. - http://www.hping.org/
Fake - Allows the user to take over the IP address of another machine in the user's LAN via ARP spoofing. - http://www.vergenet.net/linux/fake/
Razorback - A log analysis program that interfaces with the SNORT open source Intrusion Detection System to provide real time visual notification when an intrusion signature has been detected on the network. - http://www.intersectalliance.com/projects/RazorBack/
BitDefender Linux Edition v.7.0 (for Workstations) - Free effective anti-virus security solution for systems running Linux; free updates of all signature files and high scanning speed. - http://www.bitdefender.com/
Etherboot - Free software package for booting x86 PCs over networks. - http://etherboot.org/
COPS - The famed Computer Oracle and Password System is a suite of tools that can automatically detect configuration problems or holes in your system. - http://www.trouble.org/cops/
COLD - Protocol LAN analyzer that can monitor various interfaces: ISDN, PPP, Token Ring, standard: loopback, 10baseT Ethernet. - http://www.ipv4.it/cold/
Linux-PAM - Linux Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) is a flexible mechanism for authenticating users using alternative authentication schemes. - http://kernel.secsup.org/linux/libs/pam/
Stadrin - Strong user authentication and access control for Linux environments in a fully integrated system using PAM modules. - http://www.stadrin.com
IPTraf - IPTraf is a console-based network statistics utility that gathers TCP connection paket and byte counts, interface statistics, and activity indicators. Also captures all TCP/UDP packets. - http://iptraf.seul.org/
GNUPG- Gnu Privacy Guard - An open source OpenPGP compatible encryption system. Provides data integrity services for messages and data files by using digital signatures, encryption, and compression. - http://www.gnupg.org/
Central Command - Vexira Antivirus Solutions - Vexira Antivirus for Linux workstations and servers. A complete virus defense system designed for easy and dependable virus prevention on Linux systems. - http://www.centralcommand.com
IP Filter - TCP/IP Packet Filtering package - An advanced TCP/IP packet filter suitable for use in firewall environments. Can be loaded as a module or compiled into the kernel. - http://cheops.anu.edu.au/~avalon/ip-filter.html
JunkBuster - Freeware for Unix/Linux/FreeBSD/OS2/BeOS/Windows 95/98/ME/NT4. Web proxy that filters banner ads, cookies, and referer tracking. Supports wafers and User-Agent spoofing. - http://internet.junkbuster.com/
icmpquery - icmpquery is a tool for sending and receiving ICMP queries for the destinations address mask and current time. - http://www.angio.net/security/
Ethereal Network Analyzer - Network protocol analyzer for Unix that allows examination of data from a live network, or from a capture file on disk. - http://www.ethereal.com
EPAN - Ethernet Protocol Analyzer - A protocol analyzer that supports ethernet, Token Ring, SLIP, PPP, ISDN, and loopback. - http://www.et-inf.fho-emden.de/~tobias/epan/
DrawBridge - A BSD-based firewall with source included. This binaries main value is that it is perfect for beginners learning how firewalls are developed. - http://drawbridge.tamu.edu/
Cistron RADIUS Server - An authentication and accounting server for terminal servers that speak the RADIUS protocol. - http://www.radius.cistron.nl/
Deception Toolkit - Performs emulation of other operating systems and vulnerabilities not found on the host; in order to deceive and solicit invaild attempts of exploitation by malicious individuals. - http://all.net/dtk/download.html
DeleGate - An application-level gateway server. - http://www.delegate.org/delegate/
FreeTDS - Free Tabular DataStream package. Tabular DataStream is a client-to-database server protocol in SyBase and Microsoft SQL database implementations. - http://www.freetds.org/
Dante - A circuit-level firewall and proxy that can be used to provide convenient and secure network connectivity to a wide range of hosts. Very similar to a SOCKS implementation. - http://www.inet.no/dante/
CTC - Freeware PGP, Pretty Good Privacy interoperable encryption software package. CTC is Rot13 for PGP. - http://www.bifroest.demon.co.uk/ctc/
CIPE - A Crypto IP Encapsulation project. Offers a protocol that passes encrypted packets between prearranged routers in the form of UDP packets. - http://sites.inka.de/sites/bigred/devel/cipe.html
Arping - A set of network diagnostic tools, such as an enhanced replacement for traceroute. - ftp://ftp.inr.ac.ru/ip-routing/iputils-current.tar.gz
Cheops - Cheops is a complex network utility integration tool that offers network topographic visualization. - http://www.marko.net/cheops/
ADMsmb - A network scanner that detects Microsoft Windows shares using the SMB protocol. - ftp://ADM.isp.at/ADM/ADMsmb-v0.2.tgz
ippl - IP Protocols Logger - Performs logging of incoming IP packets by utilizing a multi-threaded approach. Administrators can perform filtering of captured packets. - http://pltplp.net/ippl/
ipgrab - A packet sniffing tool, based on the Berkeley packet capture library; that prints complete data-link, network, and transport layer header information for all packets it sees. - http://ipgrab.sourceforge.net/
Mason - Tool that interactively builds a firewall using ipfwadm, ipchains, or netfilter/iptables firewalling. [GPL] - http://mason.stearns.org/