Object International Software
- Peter Coad (pronounced "Code"), all around object type guy, and his company's website. Some good freebie downloads here - check out Together/J especially.
- http://www.oisoft.com
eXcelon Corporation - Provider of data management software for applications built using XML, C++ and Java, that maximizes flexibility, speed, scalability and run-time availability. - http://www.exln.com/
Informate International - A European software house specialised in object technologies. - http://www.informate.be/
NiSUS Technologies Inc. - A software and hardware company that provides development, research, and consulting services. - http://www.nisustech.com/
Wyde Inc. - Developers of enterprise object-oriented specification and development tools. - http://www.wyde.com/
Hitachi Software - Provides a range of CORBA based products and services for scalable, fault-tolerant applications. - http://www.hitachisoftware.com/
Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc. - A small consultancy specialized in object-oriented programming and pattern languages, located in Portland, OR. - http://c2.com/
Codagen Technologies Inc. - Develops gen-it, a family of code generators which allows generation-time control and customization for integrating frameworks with components developed using Java, C++, and Smalltalk. - http://www.codagen.com
Cincom Smalltalk - An object-oriented application development environment that enables large organizations to quickly develop and maintain complex component-based applications. (Cincom Systems) - http://www.cincom.com/objectstudio/
Project Technology, Inc. - Home of the Shlaer-Mellor Method. Also now getting on board with UML. - http://www.projtech.com/
Persistence Software, Inc. - Developers of application servers for C++ and Enterprise JavaBeans based on object-relational mapping, object caching and proactive notification. - http://www.persistence.com