Fullscope Inc. - Software to automate the value chain by extending ERP functions with a company's trading partners. - http://www.fullscope.com/
MegaData EDI - Specialist EDI packages, services. Networking (local and wide area), Internet. Software from RealWorld, Navision, Ocean, custom software development. Hardware sales and services. - http://www.megadata.com/
DiGiTaL Information Systems - Business software solutions. Primary sales agent for Lilly Software Associates' supply chain management solutions including Visual Manufacturing. - http://www.dis.com.sg/
ILSYS - Integration of MAPICS XA with almost 140 customers, long standing of a society that belongs to the international IBS group. - http://www.ilsys.fr/
Palmas Development Corporation - Automated software for requisitioning, inventory control, asset management, maintenance and purchasing. - http://www.palmasdev.com/