Plesk Server Administrator - World-class, innovative new product designed to make web server management easier for everyone. -
WN - Web server that runs on a variety of Unix platforms and is free under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Online user guide, and other documentation. -
Xs- Httpd - Small and fast WWW server with many features. -
Web Server/400 - A native AS/400 application that takes full advantage of the latest IBM OS/400 V3R1 offerings, and provides all of the features of the most popular current Web servers. -
ghttpd - A fast and efficient HTTP server that has CGI support (no post support, only get). Ghttpd has a small memory footprint and is capable of handling thousands of simultanious connections. GPL. -
Roxen Webserver - Web server and application server which includes support for RXML, a tag-based language for constructing dynamic content. Allows tag plugins to be written in Pike. -
Abyss Web Server - A free and small personal web server for Windows and Linux supporting HTTP/1.1 and CGI. Features a remote web management interface. -
HTTPi - Small-footprint server offering executables, server-parsed pages, access control and virtual hosting (perl). -
Small Web Servers - Contains information on three projects, webACE, webACE II (very small web servers) and Spud (a potato-powered web server ). -
AbaSioux HTTP Server - The server supports virtual servers, CGI, SSL, and can easily be extended by writing plugins. The server binaries, documentation, and header files are freely available. -
Netcraft: Web Server Survey - Web tool retrieves hosting software information from any domain name. -
Center for Information Technology Integration: Webcard - Based on a Schlumberger Cyberflex Access Java Card. Testdrive, technical report, press releases, source. -
Mac Web Server and BBS - Operator Headgap Systems is the Worldwide Distributor for TeleFinder Internet BBS and Server Software. Full documentation, ordering and update information. -
Secure Web Server for S/390 - HTTP/HTTPS server for OS/390, MVS, and VM offers fully secure web site hosting on the mainframe as well as direct dynamic web access to any 3270 application. MVS and VM fact sheet available in PDF format. -
InstantServers - Desktop Web hosting solution. Documentation and technical specifications available. [Windows] -
Zilog: EZ80 Webserver - Overview of chip-based Z80S183 Advanced Mixed Signal System and Z80S188 Advanced Embedded Microprocessor. Technical documentation and support pages. -
SQLData Desktop Server - A powerful web database server that allows user to access ODBC data sources using a web browser. Now you can have your own database server with no CGI or programming. -
fhttpd - FTP/HTTP server with modules support. Modules run as separate "looping" processes locally or remotely, and can be configured to run under separate userids. -
NetCloak - Web server enhancement package that allows you to create interactive, dynamic web sites. Running as either a stand-alone CGI application or as a high-performance WebSTAR API plug-in. -
Netcraft - A comprehensive list of servers. Also a comprehensive survey of webserver software usage. -
NCSA HTTPd - No longer supported, site still includes extensive documentation. -
Micro_httpd - Implements all basic web server features in only 150 lines of code. -
Voyager Server - For QNX OS and/or embedded devices. -
kHTTPD for Linux - An http-daemon webserver for linux. Khttpd is different from other webservers in that it runs from within the linux-kernel as a module device-driver. -
The SRE-http project - dedicated to the provision of free, WWW-aware software to the OS/2 community. Written primarily in REXX, theflagship product is the SRE-http http/1.1 server for OS/2. -
Tcl Web Server - A pure-Tcl web server. -
Zeus Web Server - The world's most scalable high performance web server software, providing solutions for content providers, ISP hosting, intranets and secure e-commerce with comprehensive support. -
Aestiva - The HTML/OS product enables web designers to build advanced dynamic sites w/out CGI programming. For Unix and NT servers. ISP-friendly. -
PicoWeb - Product description, news, support pages. -
Common Lisp Hypermedia Server: CL-HTTP - A highly portable http/1. 1 server which supports cgi, server-side lisp programs, java, javascript. -
CERN httpd - No longer maintained, but possibly of historical interest. -
AOLserver - Open-source web server by America Online, multithreaded, Tcl-enabled, massively-scalable and extensible, also features database integration and a dynamic page scripting language (ADP). -