Hypersoft Informationssysteme GmbH - Hypersoft OmniAnalyser and OmniContext are IT service management reporting solutions for Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino and other messaging platforms to be used by organizations of any size. - http://www.hypersoft.com
Courier-IMAP Server - Courier-IMAP provides IMAP access to Maildir mailboxes. - http://www.courier-mta.org/imap/
ActivMail - A ColdFusion CFX tag that replaces CFMAIL for sending a large amount of emails. - http://www.activsoftware.com/activmail/
1st SMTP Server - 1st SMTP Server - free SMTP relay server. - http://www.emailarms.com/products/1st_smtp.htm
Mail4ce E-mail Compression Suite - Offers the Mail4ce Email Compression Gateway and Client for zipping email within an organization. - http://www.mail4ce.com
Mail Direct - Send mail directly to recipients, bypassing ISP SMTP servers. - http://www.ocloudsoft.com
DiMailer Server - Sends mail over local area networks and from Internet to computers. Incoming mail appears directly on the desktop as text files. [Windows/Linux] - http://dimailer.dinet.eu.org/
CompuSven Incorporated Home Page - CompuSven provides email migration tools and solutions that allow for migration to Lotus Notes/Domino, Microsoft Exchange, Novell GroupWise, and any IMAP4/POP3 server. - http://www.compusven.com
iDataExpress Software - Provides a way to send emails bypassing the ISP's SMTP server, or send email from anywhere. - http://www.idataexpress.com/
Openshark Inc - Openshark MAI Messaging Agent is a software solution that allows viewing of rich-content documents on email attachment (e.g. pdf, zip, office, graphics) on devices such as PDA, WAP, pagers, email and internet appliances. - http://www.openshark.com/
eFone - A mail server with sms notification capabilitites running on Redhat systems. - http://www.efone.com
SmarterTools Inc. - Specializing in internet related products, such as mail servers and analytical tools. Descriptions of products, support, and a user forum. - http://www.smartertools.com/
DMailWeb and CWMail - Web based Email software and email to web gateways. - http://www.netwinsite.com/dmailweb/index.htm
PostCast Server - Outgoing SMTP server. Enables to send e-mail directly from a computer, without an Internet Service Provider's server. [Windows] - http://www.postcastserver.com/
Mail Essentials - A mail gateway for Exchange and SMTP servers for anti virus, and content checking. Includes a free anti spam tool and smtp/pop3 server. - http://www.gficomms.com/
Kinesphere Corporation - Internet (SMTP/POP3/UUCP) gateways for Microsoft Mail (MSMail), Workgroups (Windows Messaging), Exchange, cc:Mail, Notes, GroupWise - http://www.kinesphere.com/