Aardvark - By clicking an element you will able to remove, view source, isolate and see element information. - http://karmatics.com/aardvark/
ConsoleĀ² - Firefox extension that replaces the JavaScript Console. Display errors filtered by type (Errors, Warnings, Messages), language (JavaScript, CSS, XML) and context (Chrome, Content). Useful for web and extension developers. - http://console2.mozdev.org/
View Source Chart - Draws a color, coded chart of a webpage's source code. - http://jennifermadden.com/scripts/ViewRenderedSource.html
Colour Contrast Analyser - Reveals the colour contrast of all elements in the DOM. - http://juicystudio.com/article/colour-contrast-analyser-firefox-extension.php
HTML Validator - An HTML and SGML validator, based on the HTML Tidy and OpenSP algorithms originally developed by W3C. Checks pages on the fly. - http://users.skynet.be/mgueury/mozilla/
Web Developer Extension - A toolbar with useful functions for website authors. Includes download, full feature list, screenshots, and discussion forums. - http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/
Firebug - Tools for web development, allow inspect, edit and monitor CSS, HTML and JavaScript live in any web page. Include documentation, FAQs, videos and discussion groups. - http://www.getfirebug.com/
JS Console Extras - Adds a JS Console context-menu item which presents a "Toolbars" submenu for hiding or showing the eval / mode toolbars. - https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/37/
Tuvbar - Toolbar extension for helping penetration-testers test the security of websites, networks and webpages. - http://tuvbar.mozdev.org
LinkChecker - Check the validity of links in a html document. - http://www.kevinfreitas.net/extensions/linkchecker/
ColorZilla - A collection of tools, including a Color Picker similar to the one found in Photoshop, an Eyedropper that helps to get a color reading from anywhere in the browser window and a Page Zoomer that helps set the page zoom to anything between 20 and 1000 perce - http://www.iosart.com/firefox/colorzilla/
cuneAform HTML/XHTML Editor - cuneAform has been designed to create a HTML Editor that anyone can use. - http://cuneaform.mozdev.org/home/index.htm
Firefox Extensions for Web Developers - A list of extensions built primarily for web designers and programmers. - http://loadaveragezero.com/drx/extensions