Optimoz - The Optimoz plans to perform widespread beta testing of gestures in Mozilla and to perform the development of robust pie menu support for Mozilla. - http://optimoz.mozdev.org/
One Click Dynamic Sidebar - A dynamic sidebar for Mozilla apps that include many programs in one sidebar. - http://oneclick.mozdev.org/
MultiZilla - MultiZilla is the first tabbed browser UI for Mozilla and has enhanced features over the default implementation. - http://multizilla.mozdev.org/
mozless - Keyboard friendly navigation for Mozilla/Firefox. - http://mozless.mozdev.org/
MozFBRH - Provides Middle-Click on most toolbar buttons. - http://mozfbrh.mozdev.org/
MozBraille - An extension to transform Mozilla or Firefox to a stand alone accessible Internet browser designed for blind or partially sighted users. - http://mozbraille.mozdev.org/
LookAhead - Created to provide for efficient usage of time while a user performs Google searches by loading each result in its own tab. - http://lookahead.mozdev.org/
leech - Downloads all the files (images, video clips, zip archives, etc.) from a single page. - http://leech.mozdev.org/
ImageShowHide - Allows you to toggle images on webpages. - http://imageshowhide.mozdev.org/
firstfield - Adds a new hotkey (Ctrl+;) which focuses on the first text field on the page. - http://firstfield.mozdev.org/
easyGestures Pie Menus - easyGestures is a extension for Mozilla Firefox that replaces context menus with easy-to-navigate context menus. Includes a config diaglouge and uninstaller. - http://easygestures.mozdev.org/index.html
DownloadWith - An extension to download files with external programs. - http://downloadwith.mozdev.org/
downloadstatusbar - An extension that allows you to keep track of ongoing and completed downloads in a statusbar. - http://downloadstatusbar.mozdev.org/
Copy URL+ - Enables you to copy to the clipboard the current document's address along with additional information such as the document's title, the current selection or both. - http://copyurlplus.mozdev.org/
Autoscroll - An addon for Mozilla and Phoenix that emulates the autoscrolling functionality of Internet Explorer. - http://autoscroll.mozdev.org/
AutoCopy - Allows you to select text on any web page and have it automaticaly copied to the clipboard. - http://autocopy.mozdev.org/