Swap and Play - Social network to help share movies, games and music among friends, by borrowing their legal physical copies. Provides listing and searches of friends' collections. - http://www.swapandplay.com
NapMX - Allows users to add OpenNap and SlavaNap servers to WinMX servers list. - http://speed47.chez-alice.fr/napmx/index.php
MLDonkey - Multi-platform, multi-protocol client. Includes support for eDonkey2000, Overnet, BitTorrent, Gnutella and Fasttrack, and is written in Objective Caml. - http://mldonkey.sourceforge.net
Furthur Network - Network for sharing legally traded live music in MP3 and SHN formats. - http://www.furthurnet.org/
OpenP2P.com - O'Reilly Network's source for Peer-to-Peer (P2P) developer news and information. Topics include Napster, File-Sharing, Collaboration, Freenet, Gnutella, and P2P applications. Provides essential peer-to-peer articles and resources. - http://www.openp2p.com
Filetopia - File sharing tool with public key encryption, instant messages, chat, free e-mail, message boards and file collection organizer. - http://host.filetopia.com/ft/index.htm
GNUnet - Free (GPL) peer-to-peer framework of the GNU project with a focus on anonymous file-sharing. Works under Linux, BSD, OS X and Windows. - http://gnunet.org/
The Circle - Decentralized, highly scalable P2P application. Features file sharing, instant messaging, IRC style chat and trust based news. - http://thecircle.org.au/
Zultrax - A peer-to-peer file sharing client running on both the Gnutella network and its own encrypted network. - http://www.zultrax.com
The Poisoned Project - A free, open source file sharing application for Mac OS X. - http://gottsilla.net/
KCeasy - Open source Windows frontend for giFT. Download, FAQ and forum. - http://kceasy.com/
Acquisition - Open source peer-to-peer file sharing program for OS X. Features list, support forum. Mac OS 10.2 or higher. - http://www.acquisitionx.com/
Morpheus - Multi-network file-sharing client with features including chat, multiple media types, and multisource downloading. - http://www.morpheus.com
Shareaza - Open source multi-network P2P client for Windows. - http://www.shareaza.com/
Piolet - Music file sharing application supporting text and voice chat, multi-source MP3 and ogg downloads, and a built-in media player. - http://www.piolet.com
WASTE - Software and protocol enabling secure distributed communication and file sharing for small trusted groups of users. - http://waste.sourceforge.net
Mute File Sharing - Multiplatform peer-to-peer file sharing network designed to maintain users' anonymity. Mute is free, open source software for multiple operating systems. - http://mute-net.sourceforge.net
Gnomoradio - Music sharing, playback, and recommendation program for Creative Commons licensed songs. Gnomoradio is free, open source software for Linux/UNIX systems. - http://gnomoradio.org
The Ballad Free File Sharing Network - Allow users of several file sharing programs to connect to their network of servers to search for and download items in a P2P environment. - http://www.balladp2p.com/
Vladd44.com - BitTorrent and WinMX help site. - http://www.vladd44.com/
MegaBrowser.com - Free peer-to-peer program that turns your PC into a web and ftp host so you can host your own sites and trade files. Built on IE plus has tabs, fetch, personalities, and search. - http://www.megabrowser.com/
ReviewManager - A client-review tool for file and document sharing, viewing, transferring and management. Allows people to show work, ranging from movie files to document files, over the internet. - http://www.reviewmanager.com/
Iwannadownload.com - Run your own P2P program and this software to compare file names and sizes for their pre-qualified list of files. Increases your chances of getting a good file. - http://www.iwannadownload.com
EW.com: For a Song - Entertainment Weekly rates Rhapsody, MusicNet, Pressplay, and Emusic. - http://www.ew.com/ew/article/commentary/0,6115,344896~4~0~whichonlinemusicservice,00.html
Myster - File sharing utility for Mac, Windows and Linux platforms featuring a realtime, self-organizing and self-optimizing network. - http://www.mysternetworks.com/
My Web Server - Free personal peer-to-peer web, file and application server that allows you to message, save your favorites-bookmarks, file upload, and save HTML pages in your shared directory. - http://www.mywebserver.org/us/
WWW File Share - File sharing system with a browser-based client allowing sharing amongst closed networks of friends. - http://www.wfshome.com/
Spartacus - File sharing P2P groupware software supports MP3 sharing as well as documents and other formats. - http://www.udanex.com/
Drumbeat - File-sharing program for the Mac featuring multiple servers and unlimited results. - http://drumbeat.info
Filetopia News - Software, news, games and forums related to this file sharing tool with public key encryption. - http://www.filetopia.be/
ZPoc - File sharing software for the Christian community to share beliefs through songs, with their friends. Features include chat and private messaging. - http://www.zpoc.com/
The giFT Project - A modular daemon capable of abstracting the communication between the end user and specific filesharing protocols. The giFT project has a homegrown p2p network, OpenFT. - http://gift.sourceforge.net/
Endeavors Technology - Provides secure peer-to-peer (P2P) collaboration networks with its product, Magi Enterprise for PCs, laptops and Windows CE handheld devices. Includes messaging, WebDAV publishing and encryption. - http://www.endeavors.com
Blubster - Decentralized file sharing system for MP3 files featuring resumable and distributed downloading. - http://www.blubster.com
Publius Publishing System - Web publishing system that is highly resistant to censorship and provides publishers with a high degree of anonymity. - http://www.cs.nyu.edu/~waldman/publius/
StreamSec 2PCube - Integrated client and server with strong encryption designed for small groups on large networks. Features include file sharing, messaging, news and chat. - http://www.streamsec.com/pp2p.asp
BadBlue - A free, very small Windows web server for sharing, publishing and serving files. - http://www.badblue.com
After Napster - The Beat Goes On - A large listing of Napster alternatives - software for various platforms, search and metasearch services. - http://www.afternapster.com
Konspire - A searchable, distributed file sharing system with no central servers, and resumable file transfers. Written in Java 1.1 for portability. - http://konspire.sourceforge.net/
JukeDaddy - Offers a program to allow streaming of mp3s and control music files from anywhere on your network. - http://www.jukedaddy.com
OnSystems - Offers secure private servers to corporations who wish to maintain their own p2p networks. - http://www.onsystems.com
Carracho - Offers Mac software that allows you to share files, search for files, resume stopped downloads, and create own chat rooms. - http://www.carracho.com