Unix Serial Port Resources
- Lots of resources on configuring serial/modem communications.
- http://www.sunhelp.org/unix-serial-port-resources/
CBS Software: SpeedConnect - Software to speed up Internet connections and optimize access. Helps browsing and downloading faster, by optimizing TCP/IP settings, ports and cache settings. - http://www.cbs-soft.com
Diald - An intelligent link management tool originally named for its ability to control dial-on-demand network connections. - http://diald.sourceforge.net/
Turnpike - Windows clients: email, news, telnet, finger, ping and traceroute. - http://www.demon.net/products/turnpike/
Alt+Connect - A program which lets machines on your network start, stop and manage a dialup connection on your server. - http://freespace.virgin.net/fuchsia.groan/software/index.html
Cybernova Software - Give your computer the ability to make scheduled, automatic Internet connections. - http://www.cybernova.com/
Stay Connected - Prevents your Internet Service Provider (ISP) from disconnecting your dial-up session to the Internet involuntarily. Windows 95/98/NT/2000 shareware. - http://www.inklineglobal.net/products/sc/index.html
Ascentive - Windows net connection speed optimization. - http://www.ascentive.com/