MoreGroupware - Moregroupware is a Web-based Groupware written in PHP4. Includes modules like calendar, notes, todo, and contacts. It is database abstracted and uses a template engine for output. -
JetSpeed [from Apache's Jakarta] - A servlet implementation of an open protocol GroupWare product. Backend (search engines, news, weather, POP3/IMAP/LDAP/NNTP, database) is based on other open source packages. -
TWIG - A useful intranet/groupware tool and application framework. Written and implemented with PHP. Goal is to be a simple, cross-platform, fast way to access/share almost any kind of information, GPL license. -
DOE2000 Electronic Notebook - Modular, extensible, notebook framework to make cross-platform interoperating prototype implementations. Allows shared input and display of sketches, text, equations, images, graphs, other data types. Tools for authentication, other services. -
GroupSuite - A planned PHP-based groupware including calendar, address book, forum, ticket system, WebMail, CRM and DMS. -
Lucane - Lucane is a free groupware platform written in Java, designed with extensibilty in mind. -
Hipergate - Web-based open source groupware written in Java/JSP with support for PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server. -
XenIntranet - A modular intranet/extranet solution based on the Ampoliros PHP web applications platform and taking advantage of Ampoliros features. GNU license. -
Isogest Your Office in a Box - A web-based Italian office communication suite for archiving digital documents. Works with Hylafax server. -
OpenACS - OpenACS (Open Architecture Community System) is an advanced toolkit for building scalable, community-oriented web applications. If you're thinking of building an enterprise-level web application, OpenACS is a solid, proven foundation that will give you a -
WEBO - Web based groupware - Web based groupware providing group scheduling, addressbooks, shared folders. -
PHProjekt - Open source groupware with calendar, project management, request tracker and 12 other modules. Supports more than 16 languages. Requires mysql, oracle, postgres or informix db. -
GNA - Frontdesk - A distributed group e-mail application for software/helpdesk functions, GPL license. -
onShore - onShore, a consulting firm, has a web-based, multi-user time-billing tool, GPL license. -
Nexist - Topic Map based java system, "a testbed for developing tools for Web collaboration", Apache license. -
phpGroupWare - A multi-user web-based groupware suite written in PHP. It also provides an API for developing additional applications. -
MetaDot Open Source Portal Server - Free Open Source Portal Server allowing point and click community, content and XML syndication management on the Web, email, cellphone, other media. -