Aksharamala - A Windows text input program for Hindi. Also, hosts over three thousand Hindi lyrics in Devanagari format, and English to Hindi dictionary. Product specifications, support, download, and contact details. - http://www.aksharamala.com/
Chinese Partner (TwinBridge) - Allows the input of Chinese characters into your favorite Windows applications to produce bilingual or multilingual documents. - http://www.twinbridge.com/
NJStar Chinese/Japanese/Korean - Software developer of Njstar Chinese Word Processror, Njstar Japanese Word Processor, NJStar Communicator and NJWIN Chinese/Japanese/Korean Multilingual Internet Viewer for Windows 95, 98 and NT. Fully functional Shareware versions are available for downl - http://www.njstar.com/
MtScript - A multi-lingual text editor that enables using several different writing systems (Latin, Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) in the same document. MtScript provides typical editing functions such as insertion and deletion, even - http://www.lpl.univ-aix.fr/projects/multext/MtScript/