XML in localisation: Reuse translations with TM and TMX - Article that explaines the importance of translation memories and how the localisation industry uses them, highlighting the relevance of the TMX format for transferring translation data between different TM implementations. - http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-localis3/
What Is XLIFF and Why Should I Use It? - Description of XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) and its role in the localization process. By Peter Reynolds and Tony Jewtushenko, members of the XLIFF Committee at OASIS. - http://xml.sys-con.com/read/121957.htm
Lisa: Translation Memory Exchange - TMX stands for Translation Memory eXchange. OSCAR (Open Standards for Container/Content Allowing Re-use) is the LISA Special Interest Group responsible for its definition. The purpose of TMX is to allow easier exchange of translation memory data between t - http://www.lisa.org/tmx/
Metrics for Evaluating Translation Memory Software, thesis by Francie Gow - Different approaches to automatic search and retrieval in translation memory (TM) tools and a methodology for comparative evaluation, with a practical application comparing TRADOS and MultiTrans. - http://www.chandos.ca/thesis.html
Machine translation vs. translation memory - Following is a brief overview of the two technologies and an assessment of their usefulness in multilingual web-support systems. - http://www.multilingualwebmaster.com/library/mt-vs-tm.html