100 Free Wallpapers - Image topics include movies, sports and cartoons. - http://www.100freewallpapers.com/index.html
Online 4 Games - Images include cartoons, space and underwater. - http://www.online4games.co.uk/desktops.htm
Free Beautiful Wallpapers - High resolution images include Korean models, landscapes and 3D animals. - http://hitechromance.blogspot.com
Finest Quotes - A collection of images featuring inspirational quotes. - http://www.finestquotes.com/wallpapers.php
MotionWalls - Provides picture changing wallpapers that do not require software. - http://motionwalls.110mb.com
Exquisite Gallery - A collection of high resolution images, divided by category, which can be used as wallpapers. - http://exquisitegallery.uni.cc/
Cool-Desk - Images include models, nature, TV shows and games. - http://cool-desk.blogspot.com
Cube Mine - A collection of original hi-res computer generated wallpapers, art and a blog. - http://www.cubemine.com/
The28 - Photographic images by Adhitya R. Putra, featuring animals and objects. - http://www.the28.wordpress.com
VW wallpapers - Various Volkswagen models. Accepts submissions. - http://www.vwwallpapers.com
Xtremewalls - Computer and mobile wallpapers in several categories, including celebrities, movies, and cartoon. - http://www.xtremewalls.com/
Workstation Wallpaper - Download from categories such as insects, technology and space. - http://www.jimpetrozzi.com/site%5FWW/Default.aspx
Laird68 Digital Art and Design - Original digital art and rectangular wallpapers by Chuck Sinclair. - http://laird68.smugmug.com/
HeroicWallpapers - Movie, TV, game and comic book images, as well as some sports. - http://www.heroicwallpapers.com
Virtual Chocolate - Chocolate images for all seasons. - http://www.virtualchocolate.com/wallpapers/chocolatewall.cfm
The Duck Tape Club - Manco's Duck Brand duct tape site offers seasonal wallpapers for Windows and Mac. - http://www.ducktapeclub.com/downloads/wallpaper1.asp
Destinity - Original digital art and 1024x786 wallpaper, as well as sketches, photos and poetry. - http://destinity.rise.za.net
LogiSeven - A selection of photographic images including abstract, landscape and technology. - http://photography.logi7.com/
HQ Wallpapers - A blog with some original, high resolution wallpapers. - http://www.hqwalls.blogspot.com
Just Desktop Wallpapers - A small collection that includes animal, aircraft, films and TV wallpapers. - http://www.justdesktopwallpapers.com
Wallpaper - A collection of pictures, sorted into the categories of celebrities, cars, nature and animated. - http://wallpaper.z7server.com/
Uberscreens - A blog offering artistic desktop photography, with scenes that include the Alps and musicians. - http://uberscreens.blogspot.com/
Gaia Wallpapers - This collection offers a variety of high quality images, in categories like 3D, hand-drawn and photography. - http://www.gaiawallpapers.com/
My Backgrounds - Photographic and artistic backgrounds. Also suitable for a MySpace profile. - http://www.mybackgrounds.info
Tuningmag - Original images of automobiles, available in 800x600, 1024x768 and 1600x1200 resolutions. - http://www.tuningmag.net/
JokeWallpaper - Humorous images about computers and popular culture. - http://www.jokewallpaper.com/jokepayed2002/wallpaperz.php
Wallpaper FreeBee - Offers 1024 x 768 wallpapers featuring anime, babes, basketball, and video games. - http://www.wallpaperfreebee.com
Jimpix - Collection of tiling images includes toy ducks, presidents and abstract art. - http://www.jimpix.co.uk/
Calipso Wallpaper - Contains landscapes and abstract images created with various graphic programs. - http://www.gocalipso.com/wallpaper/wallpaper.php
Forkbending - Photographic wallpapers of various stages of a bent fork, in 1024 x 768 resolution. - http://www.fork-you.com/
Monica Zarb - Images include landscapes, and some 3D and patterned artwork. - http://home.freeuk.com/monicazarb/
The Gallery B - Photographic wallpaper in 1024x768 and 800x600, with different motifs, sorted by category. - http://www.balze.com/wallpaper/index-en.htm
Shineout Graphics - Free desktop images and seamless textures. Includes animated backgrounds, fractals, flowers and landscapes in Alberta, Canada. - http://www.shineout.com/
Stephen's Wallpaper - Original patterns and a ship image, for Windows and Macintosh. - http://www.stephen.com/wallpaper/
Wallpaper Dude - Original cartoon images, in 800x600 and 1024x768 pixels. - http://www.wallpaperdude.com/
Wallpapers-TLC - Original artwork by Toni Lea Combs. Topics include nature, art, car and animated images. - http://wallpapers-tlc.com/
CosmicForce.net - Images in 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024, consisting of space shots, planets and satellite shots, and Anime. - http://www.cosmicforce.net/
Ruchir's Wallpaper World - Collection includes cartoons, space, movies, transportation, and nature. - http://wapers.4t.com/
Wallpaperfree - Abstract and photo wallpapers in several resolutions. - http://www.wallpaperfree.co.uk
Other Worlds - A collection of rendered images, including fantasy, science fiction and natural landscapes. Mac OS. - http://www.raingod.com/angus/OtherWorlds/index.html
Image This! Design - Provides wallpapers for Mac and PC. Photos from nature and abstract art. - http://www.imagethisdesign.com/desktops/
Flax Creations - Desktop artwork including Native American and musical themes. Mac OS. - http://www.flaxcreations.com/
Motor Trend Wallpaper Gallery - Car wallpapers at Motor Trend magazine, including sports cars, concepts and exotics. - http://www.motortrend.com/multimedia/wallpaper/
T.C. Design - Fractal and digital designs as well as some celebrities. - http://www.tcdesign.net/desktop_wallpaper.htm
Headph0ne Phet1sh - Images of women in headphones, mostly celebrities. - http://www.headphet.org/Wallpaper.php
TCSOFT Development - Images arranged in categories of animals, scenes, movies, and games in 800x600 resolution. - http://www.tcsoftdev.com/wallpaper.htm
SiteLizard - Free professionally designed images that are sent by email. Designed to be customized with company logo. - http://www.sitelizard.com/backgrounds
KuzNetSov - Original Linux wallpaper, by David Ginger, and other Linux wallpaper collected from around the web. - http://www.kuznetsov.uklinux.net/
D-Papers - Anime, movie, music, and video games topics, made with Adobe Photoshop 6 and Arachnophilia. - http://www.demigod.nu/d-papers/
DWP Imaging - Free downloads of digital images, scenic and abstract, by professional photographers. - http://www.dwpimaging.com/desktop.html
Imagination - Wallpapers for various celebrities, TV and music. - http://nadine.fan-arts.net/
Jason Doucette's Wallpapers - Images created using Adobe Photoshop. Offers exotic sports cars and the Mandelbrot Set. - http://www.jasondoucette.com/wallpapers.html
Japan Airlines - Images of JAL aircraft in several resolutions. - http://www.jal.co.jp/en/aircraft/thumb.html
Wallpapers.Allankintz.com - Collection of Penn State campus wallpapers, up to size 1280x960. - http://wallpapers.allankintz.com/
Sam's Wallpapers - High quality images at 1600x1200 pixels. Subjects include celebrities, movies, TV and Discworld. - http://www.apsg70.dsl.pipex.com/
Nidhin - Images available include wrestlers, Indian celebrities, and New York landscapes and events. - http://www.nidhin.com/freewallpapers.html
Antique Collector - Antique, art and architecture related images. Includes a section on how to install wallpaper. - http://www.antiquecollector.uk.com/ACwallpaper.htm
Better Homes and Gardens - Images include holidays such as Kwanzaa, wedding and summer themes. - http://www.bhg.com/home/Desktop-Wallpaper.html
Ubermole - Wallpaper of posable plastic dolls, from 640x480 to 1024x768. - http://www.ubermole.com/takehome.htm
Wallpapersland - Featured 800x600 images are available in music, superstars, cities, landscapes, aircraft and underwater scenes categories. - http://wallpapersland.bip.ru/
Vladstudio - Source for original wallpapers and other digital art pieces in several popular sizes. - http://art.softshape.com/
Balkanfolk - Bulgarian folk wallpaper in sizes 800x600 and 1024x768. - http://www.balkanfolk.com/wallpapers.php
Pixel Poke - Mac or PC backgrounds in several sizes. Accepts submissions from authors. - http://www.pixelpoke.com/FREE%20PIXELS_desktops1.html
EZTerry Wallpapers and Pictures - Contains images of Heidelberg, Germany, the sea, animals, fishing and humor. - http://www.ezterry.com/
LifeMaze Wallpaper Gallery - Contains images that include nature, landscape and sailing. - http://ulaska.com/wallpaper/
Cloudeight Wonderscreens - Active desktop wallpaper. These images may scroll, there may be falling snow, or some other movement effect. - http://thundercloud.net/activescreens/
Online-Tutorials - Small medley of free images and instructions to install them. - http://www.online-tutorials.com/wallpaper.htm
Lollie - Images of animals and scenery, with a motivational or humorous theme. - http://www.lollie.com/
Desktop Pictures - Original high-quality images, including scenic, Florida beaches, abstract, Haiku letters and flowers. - http://www.desktoppictures.com/
Wallpaper.as - Provides artistic, cartoon, music, nature, and sports drawn images. Free registration is required. - http://www.wallpaper.as/